Friday, January 30, 2009

First post

I finally decided to start a blog connected to my work Blogger username (I've got a book/movie/TV blog under another username). This is going to be a pretty random blog - at this point, I'm thinking there's going to be posts about the many different kinds of muffins I've been making lately, cataloger stuff, my pet rats, and the many books I catalog at Tarleton's Dick Smith Library that I'd love to read but don't have the time for. Very exciting, huh?

So, since I've mentioned those books, here's a few I've done today that look good (unless otherwise stated, these books are in the General Stacks):
  • Naked conversations: how blogs are changing the way businesses talk with customers by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel [TK5105.8884 .S26 2006]
  • Challenger revealed : an insider's account of how the Reagan administration caused the greatest tragedy of the space age by Richard C. Cook [TL867 .C653 2006]

This isn't necessarily the only interesting stuff I cataloged today - it's just the stuff that I found interesting. If you've stumbled upon this blog and happen to be someone from Stephenville, you should take a look at the list of newly cataloged materials on the library website.


  1. Since I give myself license to be whiny in between reviews of books, movies, and TV shows, I prefer to keep my other blog anonymous, but if you don't mind whiny I can email you the URL.
